Search results for: Health Services, Sydney NSW 2000

2743 results - showing 20 per page

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Forbes Medicine & Mind

Forbes' newest multi-disciplinary practice offering GP and psychology appointments to the community of Forbes and surrounds.

02 6852 2667

12 Cross St
Forbes, NSW, 2871

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 300 km

Uralla Shire Council

Council services provided to local residents. It includes Health Care, Aged Care Services, Disability Services, Library, Child Care, Leisure Activities, Neighbourhood...

02 6778 6300 , (After Hours Emergency Phone) 0427 784 982

32 Salisbury St
Uralla, NSW, 2358

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 300 km

Valmar Support Services Ltd

A multi service organisation that provides a range of services for people with disabilities and for aged care. There are group home and drop in services, for both...

02 6947 4150

63-65 Russell St
Tumut, NSW, 2720

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 306 km

Snowy Valleys Council

Council services provided to the local community. Including Library, Youth Services, Sports and Recreation, Licensing and Registration, Community Services, Children's...

1300 275 782 (1300 ASK SVC)

76 Capper St
Tumut, NSW, 2720

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 306 km

Valmar Aged Care Services

Provides a range of aged care support services. There are Home Care Packages that are individually assessed in order to assist older people to live independently at...

1300 825 627, 02 6947 9784

63-65 Russell St
Tumut, NSW, 2720

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 306 km

Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service Armidale

Provides assessment and treatment for children and young people from 0 to 18 years old, or who are attending school, and are experiencing complex and/or severe mental...

02 6776 9600 (Admin), 1800 011 511 (Intake)

Armidale Community Health Service, Claire House, Corner Butler and Rusden St
Armidale, NSW, 2350

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 313 km
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2743 Total Results